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Monday, August 24, 2009

Olla people (:
Haven been blogging lately, nothing much to blog about though. Everything has been dry so far. Ok wait, maybe not lately, but yea. haha (: Since i'm free tonight, i guess i should put up something new. So here goes. (: First BIG news. I'll be enlisted into the army on the 11th of September. Which is just weeks away.

Yup, its quite sad. But i guess it ain't that bad. At least i get paid. School's over for me, can only continue only when i'm done with NS. Am gonna miss my friends and of course my family. Oh and also not forgetting you. (:

Anyhow, there's still time left. Gonna make every second count. So here's what i did for the week!
Haven been going to school. HAHA! school's boring with all those shitty people. Miserable class i've got there. Nothing changed ever since, just problems and more problems -.- can't be bothered. Just got my licence about 2 weeks ago. And yes i have been driving alot lately. haha.

Went to help my dad out with some bike race last Sunday. Its called Cyclone race series. If i was not wrong, its along this long stretch towards Changi Village. And god knows how long it is. All i can say is that it is really really long. Even driving at 70-80 km/h takes awhile to get from one end to the other. Woke up at 4 that morning. -.- race starts at 7. So we gotta be there by 5 to set up everything.

As i've mention above, that my class is full of shit? These are the few that are not. haha. Nice people.
Introducing the MDIS Jackass Crew

Well, not everyone's here. But most are (:

Oh yes, another thing. Went back to Yio Chu Kang sec today. School's changed. Sadly, it became worse. haha. And i have just found out something about myself that i never knew. Will be in back in school till friday. Help out with my poor art teacher, Mr Yip. haha. Gopal was never nice to Art teachers in the school. Always seem to have something against them. That ass. haha. Alright, thats all for now i guess.

Night Punks~


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 3
Another awesome day at bikini bottoms jelly fish fields. :D
hmmm, sometimes i do wonder why does it have to be bikini bottoms.
Anyway, both day 1 and 2 has been great, and its the last day here now. And we'll be heading back to Singapore in the morning. As in next morning. (: According to Justin, our Mr Tan Ah Xia. Everything that has happened here stays here. HAHA! There shall be no more gaying back in Singapore. hahaha!

Day 3 plan was to head out to town, shop abit and get souvenirs AND also fireworks !! Yea, thats the best part. You can never get to do this in Singapore without burning someone else's house down and with the police on your asses. (:

As usual, was the first one up. (: Didn't take much pictures today. Woke up at 10 odd, quite late today, showered and everything, went over to wake the rest up. Was suppose to get ready by 12 and leave by 12.30 (:

Only 4 of us woke up for breakfast. Sam, Xavier, Aaron and myself. Daryl and Justin were both still dead in the room. You wouldn't wanna missed out on anything there. Especially if its food. Love the food there, its nothing like Singapore. Though it might look weird, but it taste like heaven. Haha!

Oh yes, Aaron was trying his best not to be under the sun. HAHA! So when we were walking towards the dinning area, he was running to any shelter he could find while waiting for us to catch up. (: You can see him in the picture below, hiding under the shade.

Here's another picture of him. And only Aaron and I were burnt. Haha

Fish porridge for breakfast. Awesome~ Never tasted anything better than this. Yes it is that good. I had like 5 servings? And i'm pretty sure Aaron had more than i had. Daryl and Justin missed out on this. Haha, so so sad.

There goes Aaron, one bowl after another.

After breakfast, took some pictures on my way back to wake those sleepy heads up

A very satisfied fish porridge customer. HAHA! (:

Woke them up and off to town!
Our first stop was the market place in town. Wanted to see what we can get there. The first shop they went to was the provision shop. To get what? Cigarettes. HAHA! yes not anything els. The market place was really cool. They sell almost anything and everything there, from clothes to food and so on. Run-down alleys, yea the shops were along alleys and walkways. And still there are motorcycles driving through and stuff like that. Despite the cramp environment they had. (: Didn't brought my camera out of the car, was advised not to. (:

Bought some snacks and headed to the mall instead. (:
Though the mall was huge, but there's nothing much there to buy. HAHA! Yup. Just clothes and accessories and yea, normal stuff. Oh another thing was the mall was almost empty. No shoppers there at all. Haha! except for the staffs working there.

So we went to the arcade instead. No one there too. So, its like the whole place to ourselves. Its 20 cent for a token there. haha!

Here's the thing, Xav was the first one here trying out that game. At first he was excited and happy. Not until this kid came and ruin everything. HAHAHA! Apparently this kid came, join the game and thrash Xav upside down. HAHA! when i went there Xavier was cursing and swearing. (:

Justin and Daryl, happy gamers

DDR, Dance dance revolution. HAHA (: classic

HAHA, happy struggling boys. Well this game did cheer Xavier up. haha!

Aaron did admit it wasn't easy. haha (:

Time for lunch! (: Headed down to this famous Nasi Padang restaurant.
Like i said, food, always good.

There you go, they'll give you everything they have. And we will have to only pay for those we touched. So if you don't wanna pay for it, then don't touch it. haha! (:

I have to admit that some of the food looked weird. HAHA! taste weird too. Aaron gave it a go and yea. Couldn't even figure out what he ate. But we arranged the food back to the way it was to make it looked like it hasn't been touched. (:

Oh yes, and their towns/cities looks like that. (:

You won't even need a licence to drive there. As long as you have money. HAHA!
Basically, you can do whatever you want as long as you've got $$

Asked the driver to bring us to a place where they sell fire works.
Didn't get any at first. Those that they brought out didn't look like the ones i played the previous time. HAHA! some old man trying to scam us. So decided to head back first, and see what we can do.

Apparently, almost everyone slept on the way back. And here we are, back at the Kelong. (:

Sit around and wait for dinner while i talk to my dad about the fire works thingy.

Sam looked like some uncle in this picture. Tiger t-shirt and that cheeky smile. HAHA!
Only thing that was missing were the beer girls. HAHAHAHA! (:

There goes Aaron, high and dry. haha!

Awesome huh? (: love the sceneries there. Manage to convince my dad to get one of the guys to help us get the fire works. Sam, daryl and i went down for a swim before dinner. Yes, Daryl went in for a dip. Miracle, that explains the nice evening sky. HAHA! (:

We caught a hermit crab. Haha, was trying to get it out of its shell. Cause we wanted the shell, BUT! after dinner when we were all taking a shower, it got away. -.- damn. HAHA! I think if i was not wrong Samson left it on the table and forgot about it. HAHA! Yup and it got away, lucky bastard.

Grumpy boy, just woke up from his nap. HAHA! look at that fool ass face. So happy when he saw the fireworks. A word of caution, NEVER i repeat NEVER disturb him when he's asleep. You might never see the sun rise again. HAHA! Yes you can wake him up, but you better have a good reason for that. (:

We were watching the videos we took. (: Cool eh?

I guess i shall let the videos do the talking now. (: enjoy.
No offence to any countries out there, haha, we were just having fun. (:

OK, what happened was when the fire works ignited up there, the pellets fell on me. HAHA! Wind was blowing our direction. So didn't manage to catch everything on video, but still most of it. (:

Well, came up with some videos of our own. (:

After that, Aaron, Xav, Justin and i played mahjong again. So there goes Sam and Daryl. Yup!
(: sleeping beauties.

Yup, thats about it for the 3rd day, last night.
Will blog about the 4th day soon. (:


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day 2

Ah~ another day at bikini bottom's jelly fish fields. HAHA! (: kidding.

Rise and Shine assholes~! (: B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L day isn't it? Like always, i was the first one to wake. Oh yes before i forget, something happened to me when i was sleeping. Xav and i fell asleep first the previous night, so when i woke up in the middle of the night. Xav's face was right in front of mine! DAMN! and that scared the shit out of me! haha.

Ok, lets all imagine, you know even when you're home, you do think about "those" stuff at times? Like supernatural stuff. So yea, i woke up and when my visions cleared, i saw a extremely white, pale face in front of me. ( no offence xav ) The first thought that came to my mind was " OMG!! WHAT OR WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?!" yea (: And immediately i turned around so fast the bed squeaked. Xav took a deep breathe and started to fidget about. I froze. HAHA! yes i know, you all would probably go "What a pussy" But if you were me, i doubt you'll do much better. haha! you'll probably go screaming to your mummy.

"mummy there's a monster under my bed and its coming to get me" -.- haha. Geez

Anyhow, when i was around and not facing him, i started to try recalling what happened and how in the world did i fell asleep. And yea, after awhile i realised it was really xav. haha! (: Oh yes, so i was the first one awake and it was about 9 odd, Indonesia timing though. The timing there is an hour behind Singapore's. Washed up and went out for pictures first.

After about an hour or so, i went back to see if the rest are already awake. Went in to my room, xav in the same position when i left and as for justin, i don't know. haha! He's all over. Went next door to knock, and to my surprise, aaron answer the door. haha! Miracle, i was expecting sam to open it instead. Breakfast was ready, like about 30 minutes ago. So while waiting for those punks, more pictures.

Justin was the first one out

Cool eh? haha. Mr ah Xia as my model

These punks? Die also don't wanna leave the room. Look at daryl, still in his boxers.

The plan for the day was to head out to the open sea to fish, which, however turned out to be a disaster. haha, yup. Shouldn't have went out to fish, should have went snorkeling for shells instead. Why? haha I'll tell you why.

Apparently, the weather was great. Just that the current and the wind are both going against each other, which eventually made the sea really choppy. haha! that's why. Choppy seas plus humans equals puking good time. haha! (: When the boat was moving, it was fine. But the moment they anchored that shit, thats it. haha :D And as for the 6 of us, everyone went down except for aaron. Fella still can eat on board the puke boat. Its puke boat but not boat tagged with nasty breakfast all over. HAHAHA! (: The first time i came out to fish, was totally fine. Sea was calm but not today. haha.

Here's Uncle daryl, the only one wearing the life vest. haha! you know what that means don't you? HAHA! Daryl's a P. hahaha! Kidding.

Our driver

Came back after an hour plus. haha! couldn't take it anymore. Aaron, sam and myself? We went canoeing! (: It was fun, but tiring. As for the rest, went to shower and yea, i'm not sure what they did. Oh yea, they went to snack.

HAHA! Sam had a hard time getting out under there


Oh yes, even when i was canoeing, i could still feel the sea sick thingy. Only when i was stationary, but when i started paddling then it was ok.

Daryl took a great picture which explains everything there.
Simple life...

Coconut there was awesome~

Washed up after canoeing, prepared for dinner. Just in time to catch this when we were on our way to the dinning area. (: We had steamboat for dinner that night. (: Ate the fishes we caught.
So so fresh ( Chinese ascent )

Chatted for quite sometime at the dinning table, along with my dad. Told us his stories and all. Glad that my dad was able to click along with my friends. (: When they were happily chatting, i was quietly observing and secretly smiling inside. This is just great. (:

After dinner, the rest went back to the room. Justin and Xav played a game of pool. I took a few pictures and went back as well. (: After they came back, we played Mahjong! haha, daryl and sam didn't know how to play. Aaron dozed off, was having headaches. So we sorta taught sam and daryl how to play. HAHA! Hilarious, especially daryl. Don't know what in the hell he's thinking up there.

My dad did mention something about having green beans soup for supper at the dinning table. And in the mids of the Mahjong games, Xav told me something out of the world random.

Xav: "Eh! i can't wait for the green beans soup." -.-
Colin: " xav, why are you suddenly telling me this?"
Xav: " No la, i excited la"
Colin: " HAHAHAHAHA~!"

First ever time hearing something like that. Hmmm, i think his brain is still suffering from all the rocking out at sea earlier. HAHA! (:

We had our green beans soup, aaron woke up and took over sam and daryl. Yup! thats about it fellas. (: So long..

Stayed tuned for the 3rd and 4th day. Will blog about it soon.




Photobucket Colin Krystalbelle Chng
THAM's property assclown_06@hotmail.com


To do well in my studies, and of course for everybody's happiness :)

Open up your gaps